이채은 매니저
▦ 철학
몸과 마음이 함께 건강해질 수 있도록 진심으로 소통하고 회원님 니즈에 맞춰 이끌어가는 강사
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• Neck movement
• Pilates for Scoliosis
• The dynamics of foot and ankle
exercises workshop
• Exercise to improve shoulder, hip and
ankle joint mobility workshop
• Fun-ctional Traning 'Aqua bag' workshop
• Golf training workshop
노유림 팀장
▦ 철학
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• The dynamics of foot and ankle
exercises workshop
• Exercise to improve shoulder, hip and
ankle joint mobility workshop
• Fun-ctional Traning 'Aqua bag' workshop
• Golf training workshop
박채영 팀장
▦ 철학
인천대학교 운동건강학부 졸업
제 16회 미즈피트니스대회 -비키니 163+(2위)
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• 생활체육지도사 2급 보디빌딩
• YMCA 인명구조요원 자격증
조아연 팀장
▦ 철학
고려대학교 융합과학대학원 스포츠의학 석사
• Modern Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• self myofascial release with trigger poinf
• All about Genu Valgus
• CHP 가임기여성건강임신관리사
• 근막이완테크닉
• Recovering 근골격계(척추&관절) 솔루션
• SOMEKO "소도구 메디컬 트레이닝"
6주 전문가 과정
차상훈 시니어 강사
Pilates Senior Instructor
▦ 철학
운동의 시작은
바른 움직임에대한 인지 로 부터
작업치료사 면허증
전)강남수재활요양병원 작업치료실 작업치료사
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
(America College of Sports Medicine
- 미국스포츠의학회 퍼스널트레이너)
• Certificate of Qualification Movement
flow instructor
• Integrated low backtrianing certification of
• Scapular Movement workshop
• Postural Integrative Training
(Spine stabilization research center)
손한밀 시니어 강사
Pilates Senior Instructor
▦ 철학
필라테스 기본 원리에 바탕을 둔 수업
고려대학교 융합과학대학원 스포츠의학 석사
제주 한라대학 간호학과 졸업
제주 한라병원 병동간호사 (정형외과, VIP)
서울 아산병원 어린이병원 외래 간호사 (소아정형외과, 소아감염내과)
서울 성모 외래 간호팀
삼성 서울 병원 건강증진센터 고객만족팀
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
(America College of Sports Medicine
- 미국스포츠의학회 퍼스널트레이너)
(National Academy of Sport Medicine
-미국스포츠의학회 교정운동전문가)
• Self Myofascial Release with Trigger Point
• Effects of exercise on metabolic syndrome
and obesity
• Metabolic Syndrome & Exercise Strategies
• Neck movement
• The dynamics of foot and ankle
exercises workshop
오예지 강사
Pilates instuctor
▦ 철학
인천대학교 운동건강학부 졸업
2023 전국 유니버시티 퍼스널 챔피언쉽
비키니 피트니스 +168cm 급 1위
2023 전국 유니버시티 퍼스트 챔피언쉽
우먼 스포츠 모델 +165cm 급 2위
• Reborn Certificated Pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment / Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• 생활체육지도사 2급 보디빌딩
김민진 강사
Pilates Instructor
▦ 철학
인천대학교 운동건강학부 졸업
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• 생활체육지도사 2급 보디빌딩
이효영 강사
Pilates Instructor
▦ 철학
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
오초이 강사
Pilates Instructor
▦ 철학
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training